Adolescents facing teen-pregnancy and school dropout: "A Path to Disastrous Consequences like Poverty. Can AI reverse their situation and lead them to a different path in their stories?"

  Breaking the Cycle: "How can AI intervene to change the future of vulnerable young girls victims of teenage pregnancy?"

Report made in 2023 when Edvania was still pregnant

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Part 1


Welcome! Happy International Women's Day!

We wish peace, prosperity and well-being for all.

Thank you for joining us today as we commemorate International Women's Day. My name is Sofonie Dala, and I'm honored to stand before you as we delve into an important topic affecting countless young women around the world: teenage pregnancy.

In our documentary, we will follow the journey of a young girl named Edvania, whose story mirrors that of many others who find themselves trapped in a cycle of poverty due to early pregnancy. 

Did you know that early pregnancy is a significant factor pushing thousands of women into extreme poverty, impacting their lives for years to come?


Indeed, this documentary is of great significance for both men and women, as well as for girls and boys. It sheds light on the challenges and consequences of teenage pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of education, support, and understanding in addressing such issues. By raising awareness and fostering empathy, it aims to inspire positive change and promote a more inclusive and supportive society for all.

Our documentary spans two seasons, beginning in 2023 when Edvania was in the early stages of her pregnancy and concluding today in 2024 as she grapples with the challenges of motherhood while facing the harsh realities of early pregnancy and school dropout.

After watching this 15-minute film, I urge you to reflect on the following questions:

1. "Adolescents Facing Early Pregnancy and School Dropout: A Path to Disastrous Consequences like Poverty. Can AI Reverse Their Situation and Lead Them to a Different Path in Their Stories?"

2. "Challenges of Adolescence: Preventing Early Pregnancy and School Dropout to Combat Poverty"

3. "Preventing Early Pregnancy and School Dropout: The Role of Technology in Social Transformation"

4. "Breaking the Cycle: How AI Can Intervene to Change the Future of Vulnerable Adolescent Girls Victims of Early Pregnancy"

5. "Empowering Adolescents: Using Artificial Intelligence to Rescue Life Stories and Break the Cycle of Poverty"

Let us use this platform not only to raise awareness but also to spark meaningful dialogue and action towards creating a world where young women like Edvania are empowered to break free from the shackles of early pregnancy and poverty. Thank you.

Welcome back to our program!

 Today, we are focusing on Edvania's story, a young woman whose journey embodies the challenges and potential of investing in women's empowerment.

The theme for International Women's Day 2024, is “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”, which recognizes that investing in women is a human rights imperative and cornerstone for building inclusive and equitable societies. Progress towards women’s empowerment benefits us all.

By prioritizing gender equality and women's well-being across all sectors, we pave the way for a prosperous economy and a sustainable planet for all.

History of Edvania - Her First Pregnancy - Months earlier - December 2023

Hello, how are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

What's your name?

My name is Edvania.

Okay, Edvania, you were with us last time and you were still pregnant. Now as we can see you've already given birth.

Could you please talk about how your life is right now? Did you go back to school? Is life difficult as the mother of a newborn? How did your family members react?

Well, it hasn't been very easy from there. I have not yet returned to my studies because the baby is still very small. I think in 5 or 6 months from now I can go back to school again.

How's your relationship with your baby's father? Are you still together? You got married?

It's the same, I'm waiting for my traditional wedding to be organized so the families can get to know each other. But overall I still have no plans for the future. I will continue the way I am.

Does he still visit you? Are you guys still together?

Yes we are together, and he continues to visit and support us.

Do you live together or do you live at your parents ' house?

We live separately, each his parents ' house.

How is your relationship with your family? Didn't they turn their backs on you?

I have good relationship with my family members, they continue to support me too.

Haven't you found it difficult to support your baby? Where do you find the money to meet your basic needs?

For now I have no difficulties, things are going well.

When your baby starts walking, do you plan to return to school?

When he's months old enough to stay home, I'm going back to school.

If someone offers you a job opportunity, would you prefer to study or work? What would be your choice?

I would choose both. I would work in the morning and study at night.

Are you in need of a job too?

Yeah, I need a job.

How old are you?

I am 17 years old.

How old is your baby?

My baby is 2 months old.

Okay, thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Part 2

"Transforming Futures: Recruiting and Rescuing Edvania for Life-Changing IT Training"

Here at our startup, Talentos Multiplus, led by Sofonie Dala, we are committed to empowering individuals like Edvania. Through our recruitment efforts, we are providing her with the necessary training and technical knowledge to help her break free from the cycle of poverty and achieve prosperity.

So, stay tuned as we delve into Edvania's journey and witness how investing in her potential can lead to accelerated progress not only for her but for society as a whole. Thank you for joining us on this inspiring journey of empowerment and transformation.

At the end of the 2nd week of training - practical classes

Instructor: Edvania, is this your first time using and navigating a computer?

Edvania: Yes, it's my first time in my life using a computer.

Instructor: Have you never had the opportunity to work with a computer before?

Edvania: No, I've never worked with a computer.

Instructor: And how has this experience been?

Edvania: For me, it's been extraordinary because as the days go by, I'm learning more and more.

Instructor: So it's not as difficult as you imagined?

Edvania: No.

Instructor: Do you believe that in a short time you will be an IT professional?

Edvania: Yes, no doubt.

Instructor: Well Edvania, we are wrapping up the second week of our IT training program for girls who, like you, have been affected by early pregnancy and had to drop out of school but are eager to resume their studies. We've selected girls who are interested in beginning IT training to gain skills that can help address some of the most pressing issues in the world.

Now it's time for your test. Please explain to us everything you've learned during these two weeks and demonstrate your practical knowledge of computer skills.

Edvania: During these two weeks, I learned that Informatics is the technical processing of information used through technique. It involves using technology, such as computers and software, to collect, store, analyze, and disseminate information. 

Additionally, I learned that computer is the physical element used for data processing. There are several types of computers, including desktops, notebooks, smartphones, and tablets. In the last class, I learned about Windows and Microsoft.

Instructor: Now, let's move on to the practical class. Please start your computer, press enter, and enter your PIN if necessary. Close this window and open the start menu. Then, search for the folder named "Edvania" on the desktop. Were you able to locate your folder?

Edvania: Yes.

Instructor: Okay, now click on it.

Edvania: Done.

Instructor: Okay. It's empty, right? What do you see inside the folder?

Edvania: I see another folder named "computer course."

Instructor: Alright, double-click the folder to open it.

Edvania: Done.

Instructor: Now, minimize this window and open the notepad. Press enter and write "My first day of practical classes."

Instructor: Edvania, you can use both hands to type. Now, save this document in your folder on the desktop. Click on the file, underline, delete, and rename the document you want to save.

Now, open your Edvania folder to make sure the document is saved there.

Edvania: Yes, everything is done.

Instructor: Excellent, good work.

Instructor: Very good. Our class ends today. We are waiting for you on Monday to start a new chapter.

Good luck!

Part 3

Interview with Suzana Joao, mother of Edvania, victim of early pregnancy - 4 months later - March 2024

She is the ideal person to tell us about everything that is happening with Edvania from the beginning of her pregnancy until the birth of the baby, as well as the consequences this teenage pregnancy has caused Edvania and her entire family.

Interviewer: Ma'am, good morning!

Suzana Joao: Good morning, thank you.

Interviewer: What's your name?

Suzana Joao: My name is Suzana Joao.

Interviewer: Are you Edvania's mother?

Suzana Joao: Yes, I'm Edvania's mother.

Interviewer: Today, we are organizing a special program alluding to March 8, International Women's Day. Let's talk about girls, early pregnancy, and its consequences.

Interviewer: Could you please tell us about your life experience with your daughter? What are the consequences of this early pregnancy for her and her family?

Suzana Joao: My daughter is a victim of early pregnancy.

Our family was deeply shaken by this situation because we had envisioned a different future for her. This has been incredibly challenging for our daughter as well because she has had to give up her studies, and taking care of the baby has added to the difficulty.

Interviewer: How old is the baby?

Suzana Joao: The baby is five months old.

Interviewer: And how old is Edvania?

Suzana Joao: She will be 18 this year.

Interviewer: So, she's still a teenager, still 17 years old.

Suzana Joao: Yes, she is 17. She's still a teenager.

Interviewer: What are the difficulties she faces as a teenage mother who stopped studying due to teenage pregnancy?

Suzana Joao: She stopped studying, and with the responsibility of caring for a child, it has been very challenging for her. She doesn't see how she can return to her studies. I believe her future is practically destroyed. Finding a job is difficult, and being unemployed with a child to care for makes things even more challenging.

Interviewer: As Edvania's parents, how did you react to this sudden pregnancy?

Suzana Joao: We reacted poorly. As her mother, I am doing everything I can to support her, but her biological father rejected her and her pregnancy. He was very disappointed with Edvania and doesn't want to support her in any way.

Interviewer: So, Edvania's father didn't accept it and hasn't been supportive?

Suzana Joao: No. And this has been very difficult because all the weight has fallen on me.

Interviewer: Did Edvania's boyfriend accept the pregnancy?

Suzana Joao: He accepted, but he doesn't work either.

Interviewer: How old is he?

Suzana Joao: He is 19 years old. They are both children.

Interviewer: Does this factor make things even more difficult?

Suzana Joao: Yes, very difficult. I am now playing the role of mother, father, and grandfather. Everything they need always depends on me, and I feel very overloaded.

Interviewer: What do you think? Will Edvania be able to go back to school one day?

Suzana Joao: This is my dream. But as they say, everything is possible, one can dream big. We are raising the child, and perhaps over time, we will be able to reintegrate her into the educational system.

Interviewer: Okay, thank you.

Gallery- original pictures 


  1. 1. "Desafios da Adolescência: Prevenindo Gravidez Precoce e Abandono Escolar para Combater a Pobreza"
  2. 2. "Adolescentes em Risco: Como a Inteligência Artificial pode Redirecionar seus Destinos"
  3. "Prevenção de Gravidez Precoce e Abandono Escolar: O Papel da Tecnologia na Transformação Social"
  4. 3. "Quebrando o Ciclo: Como a IA pode Intervir para Mudar o Futuro de Adolescentes em Situações Vulneráveis"
  5. 4. "Empoderando Adolescentes: Utilizando a Inteligência Artificial para Resgatar Histórias de Vida e Romper com a Pobreza"
